Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Lost Son Shrine of Derby -

"Temporal Fountain of The Lost Son"
digital collage by Mick Mather

DERBY, Shrine of the Lost Son - Putting the physics of the Shrine aside for a moment, this fountain has long been a temporal portal which the sons and daughters of Derby did often put to use. Rightly or wrongly, the traversing from one side of the portal to the other was not always in the best interest of themselves, their immediate families nor the greater community. Being an agriculturally based society, Derby was, for the elder children of many farmers, a boring place to grow up. An old story is this, where the reckless few abandoned their responsibilities as well as their homes in selfish, pleasurable pursuits, squandering earnings, savings, even entire inheritances before returning home. The "other side", so called, was a fascinating place full of diversions and excitement enough to keep a young wanderer busy for years. Until very recently the exact location of the place was a mystery*, known only as "Earth", third planet from a Class "G" star known as the sun.

*(further information, star maps, system maps, jump gate locations, etc. is requested - please leave additions in the comment box)

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